About the Sub2 cookie
Welcome to the Sub2 website.
Welcome to the Sub2 website. The most likely reason why you are reading this page is because you have clicked a link in a Sub2-enabled website's privacy policy or cookie information page, seeking information on what Sub2's cookies are and how they are used by website owners.
Our Sub2 technology is designed to respect your privacy and ensure that you have control over how we, and the websites you visit, make use of information about you. Sub2 cookies are used for the following purposes:
To help website owners understand how visitors and registered users are using their websites, so that website owners can improve user's experience on their websites and in buying or using goods and services provided by website owners. The website owner may also use information about how you use the site to contact you in accordance with your agreed contact preferences for that site. To disable this use, Click here
To help direct advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests. We do this by using a cookie to match your computer to demographic information and other non-personally identifying information. This cookie remembers that you have visited a website and whether you have clicked an advert, and this information is shared with advertisers and with our partner suppliers of cookie technology and data. No personal data is collected that would allow us, advertisers or our partners to identify you or other individual customers. To disable this use, Click here
Note that we at Sub2 make no use of any personally-identifying information about you for our own purposes (though the website owner may do so for the first purpose described above). Our own use of the cookie is restricted to non-personally identifying information such as demographic information.
If you would like more information about the Sub2 cookie and how we use it, then please contact us at
For information how this website itself uses cookies, please see our http://www.sub2tech.com/contact